Friday, January 21, 2011


I have two words for you:


C'mon people. If you are going to ruin a book for me, at least give me a heads up.



Chantele Sedgwick said...

On no! What book was spoiled!?

Stacy said...

Ditto what Chantele said!

Jamie VanBeekum said...

Oh, crud, was it me? I hope not! If it was, you can send me hate mail, block me from your blog, and I'll go sit in my corner in time out.

Megan @ Reading for Refuge said...

No, someone spilled the beans about who dies in book 5 of Harry Potter and ruined my day. Sad. :( (I just started on book 5) I'm just saying- If you're reviewing book 3, don't throw in spoilers about book 5!