Friday, April 08, 2011

Dewey's 24 Hour Read-A-Thon

The Read-A-Thon is tomorrow!

I should have been more on top of things this week and posted about it sooner. You can still sign up for it though, and it is a fun twice-yearly extravaganza to participate in. I did it last April and failed miserably. I was 3 months pregnant and so exhausted. I had an empty, quiet house--which never happens-- and I ended up falling asleep at about 7PM. Pathetic, I know. I didn't even read much during the day because we had errands to run and a birthday party to go to. It was a really sad attempt. Then I didn't even sign up for the one in October because I was due with my son, and I didn't want to chance having him that day--I didn't, by the way. We did have another birthday party to go to that day too though. And if my memory serves, I was in a bit of a nesting frenzy in the form of sewing-- I made lots and lots of baby booties, blankets, and burp cloths.

Anyway, my chance to redeem myself has come! :D If you want to be official and sign up, you can do so by clicking HERE.

If you want more information about the Read-A-Thon, you can click HERE and browse through the frequently asked questions.

This is such a fun challenge, and I am excited to participate in it! Even if you don't do it "officially" it is still something that is worth a try. If you sign up for it, you can win prizes though, Definitely a plus!

So, do you plan to participate? Officially or unofficially?

Good luck
Happy Reading!

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