Thursday, September 30, 2010

Love on the Lifts by Rachel Hawthorne

Winter Break super-secret perfect cocoa recipe:

8 oz steamed whole milk (no skim! doesn't work!)
2 tbsp. dark cocoa powder (big scoops)
1 tbsp. sugar (can't be too sweet)
4 dried, crushed mint leaves (or 1 tbsp. mint syrup)

Stir thoroughly. Add mint swizzle stick. Combine with cute ski instructor, or brother's cute best friend, or cute guy you never noticed was so cute...Enjoy.

I actually thought this book was pretty cute. A little "fluffy", but it was a fun, clean "chick" book. There isn't much to say about it. It's pretty predictable from the get-go. (Usually when you want a girly romance, you don't care if it's predictable!) The one thing that annoyed me just a little was the main character-- I don't know if she was being coy or if she was really that oblivious to signs. Some girls "fake it" to manipulate guys into admitting what they are thinking or feeling, but I really think she was possibly a tad brain-dead. It ends well though and it made me feel warm and fuzzy, which was the whole point. And it REALLY just made me want a mug of hot chocolate--even in the 90 degree weather! :) Happy Reading!

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