Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Romeo Redeemed by Stacey Jay

This is the SECOND book in a series.
Read the super awesome Juliet Immortal before you read this. You can also read my review of Juliet Immortal by clicking HERE.
Release Date: October 9, 2012
Seductive companion to the popular Juliet Immortal, in which former lovers—Romeo and Juliet—meet, not as true lovers, but truly as enemies.

Cursed to live out eternity in his rotted corpse, Romeo, known for his ruthless, cutthroat ways, is given the chance to redeem himself by traveling back in time to save the life of Ariel Dragland. Unbeknownst to her, Ariel is important to both the evil Mercenaries and the love-promoting Ambassadors and holds the fate of the world in her hands. Romeo must win her heart and make her believe in love, turning her away from her darker potential before his work is discovered by the Mercenaries. While his seduction begins as yet another lie, it soon becomes his only truth. Romeo vows to protect Ariel from harm, and do whatever it takes to win her heart and soul. But when Ariel is led to believe his love is a deception, she becomes vulnerable to Mercenary manipulation, and her own inner darkness may ultimately rip them apart.

Why, oh why do I have such a difficult time trudging through sequels? What is the matter with me? I think I'm broken. :(

I LOVED the first book in this series, Juliet ImmortalI kept having recommendations for it pop up on Amazon, and since me and good ol' Will Shakespeare don't exactly get along, I kept passing over it. Finally I checked it out from the library....and practically devoured it. Really. I was not my best self-- sweatpants, frizzy hair, glasses, and all... Good thing it was only for one day! Anyway, after being shocked and amazed at my deep love for a Romeo and Juliet that are constantly beating the crap out of each other and either trying to save (Juliet) or destroy (Romeo) true love, I was so anxious to read the next book in the series (this).

So, let's get to the big question. Did I like this book as much as the first? Of course not! But I did like it. There were some strange transitions between chapters (they switch back and forth between Romeo and Ariel). There were a few when I had to go back and check to make sure I hadn't missed anything and then I had to read a few pages into the chapter before anything made sense. Other than that, I really liked most of the story--especially the ending. I felt like the author did a great job of tying the two books together and giving both Romeo and Juliet what they deserved in the epilogue (whether good OR bad...). While it didn't quite live up the the amazingness of Juliet Immortal, I was still satisfied with this book as a whole and the way everything ended. 

I hope you get a chance to read both of these books. I thought it was such a fun, different, interesting take on an old classic that I have never fallen in love with...until now. READ THESE!!

Happy Reading!

*I received this egalley from the publisher for the purpose of review.

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