Friday, November 19, 2010

The Wizard, the Witch and Two Girls from Jersey by Lisa Papademetriou

When mortal enemies Veronica Lopez and Heather Simms get hit by a bar code scanner while fighting over the last copy of Queen of Twilight, it takes them a moment to realize that they aren't in a New Jersey bookstore anymore. In fact, they're in the novel. Too bad they don't realize it until after they accidentally kill the book's heroine, Princess Arabelle, aka "The One." Only The One can restore light and peace to the land of Galma, long held in thrall to the evil Twilight Queen. Now Vero and Heather have no choice but to try to save Galma from the Twilight Queen. But can the two girls find their way to the end of the story and home again without destroying Galma or killing each other?

I happened across this book a couple of months ago at the library, and it sounded funny so I brought it home. It's been gathering dust, and been renewed a few times since then so I figured I should probably finally read it. I actually liked this book. (No, I'm not surprised.) It was a little slow but it had enough humor to keep me reading. I thought it was amusing to read a kinof-fantasy book kind of make fun of fantasy books. I guess not so much the books themselves, but the WAY they are written. Anyway, this was a cute book that I would recommend to just about anyone. :)

Happy Reading!

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